All Elite Wrestling PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series Next Generation Console Games

AEW Games announced on November 10, 2020 that it will create three new video games for next-generation console games, Elite GM Manager Mode for mobile, and casino-themed mobile games.

You can see the full presentation below. It’s a very interesting presentation about what is worth seeing and what they have to offer.

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I would like to talk about console games and what this means for PS5 / Xbox Series X.

AEW Games announced that it is working on a next-generation console game with the Yuke’s game developer, who has been making wrestling games for many years.

At the end of the presentation, Kenny Omega announced the former director of WWF No Mercy for the Nintendo 64. Hideyuki Iwashita I also joined the team to work on console games.

This was very exciting news. AEW has decided to work on one of the most successful wrestling games in history and leverage its knowledge and experience.

AEW can take the elements that made No Mercy successful and combine them with the latest new graphics and frame rates to create something that appeals to both wrestling and non-wrestling fans. I think.

For PS5 / Xbox Series X, developers can take advantage of new architectures, faster SSD load times, and technological advances to truly deliver the next generation of experiences.

What you need for a new game

AEW needs to not only sell modern remasters and No Mercy ports in AEW characters, but also those that don’t work in 2020, but also add their own stamps, spins and AEW flavors. Showed that there is.


Mercy wasn’t my favorite wrestling game. I enjoyed the story mode, so I was able to choose a title. Depending on whether you won or lost the match, the pass to the title changed accordingly, and there were various passes. You can also shoot and cut scenes between matches.

In addition, if you win the match, you will receive cash that you can use to unlock items in the store for use in the game.

AEW Games has adopted this idea and can use it itself to update it with a path to the AEW World Title, AEW TNT Title and AEW Tag Team Titles. You can add more and extend it with side stories and intersections. A PPV event with a path or special story. This model hasn’t been used by anyone else and will make you feel fresh and new from a different perspective over the years.


For the first time, AEW needs to create a control system that players can easily understand and progress. And because it’s AEW’s first game, controls help players immerse themselves in the experience.

In his presentation, Kenny Omega wants something that makes console games as easy to play as the NBA Jam, but difficult to learn, and even with only 15 people, crazy about the game and wanting to play it. I said there is. The amount that you can jump in and enjoy the experience.

A good control scheme is important. This will allow gamers to get hooked and join the game.

Ability to create wrestlers and download their work

When creating a wrestler, the suites included in the AEW console game are very important to wrestling fans. With WWE 2k, Fire Pro and more, you can see what fans and communities can create and how great they are. Gamers create new rings, graphics, wrestlers and more from other companies. All you need to do in a Yukes and AEW game is to provide the fans with the elements and see what they combine. Fans can also create career mode paths, upload them to others, and play the created paths themselves.

Local Mutiplayer and robust online match service

For local multiplayer, No Mercy is a lot of fun if AEW can capture any of the magic of epic matches with friends. The satisfaction of hitting end-of-life weapons and kicking friends out of Battle Royale helps when the Tag team is together. Make the game very rounded.

In addition, a robust online system that allows fans to fight each other in ranked matches, casual matches, and even special events for prizes is associated with this console release, allowing players to compete from around the world. can. AEW Games can be built, expanded and grown based on sequels and the future.

Kenny Omega and the AEW game promise to keep us all up to date, so it’s interesting to see in which direction they went and what they decided to do. There is a new wrestling game from a wrestler who is also a gamer and knows what. The audience wants to blend the past into the future.

thank you for reading

@ jon422002

Jonathan Orchard